
All the data you see on our site will be cached for a certain period of time. Under the circumstances, it may be that the data has just been updated or is still being updated. The following table shows how long the data will be cached.

Content period of time
Player - Profile 6 hours
Player - Online Status 1 hour
Player - Champion Info 6 hours
Player - Recent Matches 1 hour
Player - Live Match 30 minutes
Champions 7 days
These data can change any time.


We know it all. On every page you visit, you find advertising. Advertising is nowadays indispensable Especially for small projects advertising helps to cover the costs. We understand how annoying advertising can be and how often it is misused. We keep the advertising on our pages minimalistic. That means we only have one banner per page. So we would be happy if you support us and turn off your ad block. Of course you can also use our page with an activated ad block completely and without any restrictions (except for the annoying warning).

Why was my profile not found?

The reason why your profile was not found can have several reasons. It may be that you just have not played the game, and so it has not yet appeared in the system. It may also be that you have not played for a long time, and your profile has been set to inactive. Or your privacy settings in your account are enabled. If you are a new player they are activated by default.

The privacy settings prevent other sites so-called "trackers" from looking at your information. If you want to use our site and your privacy settings are turned on, you'll need to disable them first. If your profile still does not appear, please send us an email to [email protected] and we will try to find out what the problem is.

To disable your privacy settings, you have to go into the settings in the game.
"Options" > "Gameplay" > "Public Profile" > "Enabled".